Journal of Orthopedics and Joint Surgery

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-June, 2022 ) > List of Articles


A Legendary Implant that has Stood the Test of Time and its Current Utilization

C Rex, M Harish Kumar, C Premanand, AS Satish Kumar

Citation Information : Rex C, Kumar MH, Premanand C, Kumar AS. A Legendary Implant that has Stood the Test of Time and its Current Utilization. 2022; 4 (1):35-39.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10079-1081

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 28-01-2022

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2022; The Author(s).


Aim and objective: To elaborate the current stand on K-wire usage in orthopedic clinical practice. Background: K-wire is a commonly used implant, and is an inevitable instrument in orthopedic practice. Even with the rampant usage of this implant for centuries, the literature stating the basic details, principles of use, current clinical indications, complications encountered and techniques to avoid the same is not many. In this review article, we have taken into consideration the essential details, techniques, various clinical scenarios and extended indications for which a K-wire can be used. We believe that this article will comprehensively enlighten all the perspectives of K-wire usage, yet unmentioned and highlighted so far in any available literature. Review results: K-wire has been introduced into orthopedic practice more than 100 years ago. This is the oldest implant that has stood the test of time in the management of many fractures of both upper and lower limbs. The indications for which the K-wire was invented has changed completely and current indications are totally diverse. With recent developments of newer technologies to stabilize fractures or reconstructive procedures with the newer implants, K-wire still has an important role in the management of fractures. This flexible implant has an immense role in minimally invasive surgical management. Conclusion: A gap exists in the literature on the techniques and procedures employed using K-wires, which warrants more research. This article serves to enlighten the current rationale of the use of K-wires in orthopedic practice and its future perspectives. Clinical significance: Considering the cost of healthcare, this implant satisfies cost-effective management with good functional outcomes in fixation of a certain peripheral skeleton and pediatric fractures with the least complication rate. K-wire has many advantages like ease of application, minimally invasive, easy availability on the shelves of operating rooms, in any nook and corner of the world, and the versatility of its use in difficult scenarios.

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